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honks by ontology: ttrpg

ckeen honked 29 Jan 2025 09:23 +0100

I will put 'Organizing #TTRPG rounds' as management skill on my next resume...

ckeen honked 29 Aug 2024 16:57 +0200

Frage an die #TTRPG Spielleiter da draussen: Wie transportiert ihr Minis und Terrain? Es werden irgendwie immer mehr...

ckeen honked 28 Aug 2024 09:17 +0200

So Mongoose is taking over control of the Traveller RPG IP completely. The end of an era. Fortunately the books we own will still be there...

Team classic #traveller. #ttrpg

ckeen honked 28 Aug 2024 08:59 +0200

Ich hab dutzende #ttrpg abenteuer skizzen, meistens für #shadowdark, die ihren Weg nicht an den Spieltisch finden, vielleicht sollte ich die mal ausarbeiten.

ckeen honked 20 Aug 2024 20:05 +0200

Gerade eben haben unsere tapferen #Mausritter Ernst aus seiner misslichen Lage befreit.

Wir haben 'Den Ernst des Lebens' von Eevie Demirtel gespielt und es war sehr schön.


Ein Holztisch auf dem Würfel, Mausfiguren aus Plastik und Papier und Charakterbögen für Mausritter liegen

ckeen honked 20 Aug 2024 08:46 +0200

I bought Ultra Violet Grasslands and I got lured in by the writing and the art. I have no idea how I should run such a thing though. #ttrpg

ckeen honked 10 Apr 2024 12:12 +0200

I like how it turned out and it almost killed a cleric. Mostly because all the other players did something else :)


A picture of a painted stone golem build with XPS foam

ckeen honked 10 Apr 2024 12:07 +0200

Since it has been a while that I posted something, have a look at my poor attempts at keeping my sanity in the midst of all this.

At least the role playing group had something to play with.


A picture of two painted miniature houses for a TTRPG. In front of them is a self made stone golem consisting of painted XPS foam.

ckeen honked 10 Jan 2024 16:01 +0100

Did substack screw something up (more than usual)? A lot of #ttrpg newsletter people hosted on substack migrate over to their own blogs (which I approve of)....

ckeen bonked 04 May 2023 11:03 +0200
original: chloethecartographer@dice.camp

It’s not done; I’ve got quite a bit of detail to add, settlements, roads, etc. but this gives a taste of the concept I’m heading towards. I like this topology and render now, the mountains look like mountain chains, the hills are hilly, the plains are flat, the rivers are visible and they are all where they should be for the Moonshea isles. There are still issues, I have somehow lost heightmap precision. Getting there. #worldbuilding #mapping #cartography #cartographer #rpg #dnd #map #ttrpg

Map of the Moonshae isles

ckeen honked 25 Apr 2023 11:17 +0200

Mein #mausritter Szenario nimmt immer mehr Formen an, das Dokument wächst und wächst... Durch die Zufallstabellen kommt man auf gute Ideen auch für kleine Nebenschauplätze. Und wenn sich meine SpielerInnen für was anderes entscheiden gibt es genug zu tun. Ich mag diesen offenen Ansatz.

Die Welt ist klein und jeder ist mit jedem irgendwie verknüpft und hat einen kleinen oder großen Konflikt...

#hexcrawl #pnp #ttrpg

ckeen honked 24 Apr 2023 09:14 +0200

I have been collecting a lot of #TTRPG and #OSR resources. I have found some interesting youtubers but it seems that the old art of blogging seems dead for that niche. I have found @kensanata 's campaign wiki a helpful resource. It is a shame that a lot of communication is behind closed doors nowadays.